How one city (and you) can care for stray cats

How one city (and you) can care for stray cats

Taking care of stray catsHere’s how one community (Atlantic City, NJ) is taking care of stray cats.

Many communities have an overpopulation of stray cats. People are told not to feed them, but the cat population will continue to grow if there is not a trap-neuter-return program. The cats living along the Atlantic City Boardwalk are cared for, but it is not a dumping ground for more cats. They have an active program for taking care of stray cats in their community.

A coalition of organizations have banded together and are taking care of stray cats in the area. The cats are captured, neutered, and vaccinated before being released. A group of volunteers make sure that the cats are fed. Fines are stiff for anyone who drops off a cat in the area.

Here are 4 ways we can help reduce the number of animals that are in shelters.

   Pick a pet cat First, pick your next pet from an animal shelter.

You may not find the pet that is right for you on your first visit to a shelter, but keep trying. Let the staff know what you are looking for and have them contact you when a prospective pet is brought in. Try more than one shelter serving your area.

    Second, take the time to pick the pet that is right for you.

When you take the time to pick a perfect pet you will end up with a pet that you can love forever. Pets want a forever family and not be surrendered to an animal shelter.


How to pick a pet cat  Third, make sure that your pets have been spayed and neutered.

We don’t need more unwanted cats and dogs that will end up in a shelter and have to be euthanized. There are about 5,000 independent community-based animal shelters throughout the U.S., but no organization keeps track of national statistics. It is estimated that between 5 million to 7 million animals enter shelters each year. Of these, 3 million to 4 million animals are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats).

Help get the word out about the importance of spaying and neutering pets. In my community, there is a poster contest where the 4th grade students in their art class create posters about the importance of spaying and neutering pets. The posters are then displayed throughout the community.

    Fourth, find out how your community is taking care of stray cats.

Become a voice for pets in your community. Beware of people posting pets for adoption on websites like Craigslist. Some people are not responsible breeders, their pet happened to have puppies or kittens that they need to get rid of. There is usually no check on the people picking up the young pets. Far too many of the pets end up in animal shelters when they are large and no longer cute.