Why get a pet?

 Why Get A Pet?

How to pick a pet birdHas your family been talking about getting a pet? Have you had pets before or is this your first pet? Do you know why you want a pet?

Each family must come up with its own list of reasons for the question ‘Why get a pet?’ Before rushing to bring home a pet that may turn out to be a nightmare rather than a joy, you have to do some homework.

Pets can be wonderful companions and teach responsibility to children. Here are a few questions to think about why we want a pet.

Will a pet serve as a substitute for having children?

Do you want a pet that will keep you company on walks or runs outdoors?

Are you looking for a pet that you can teach tricks, play and interact with?

While we want a pet, is now the best time to get a pet, or should we wait until…?

Here are reasons others have answered the question ‘Why get a pet?’

A pet teaches a child the responsibility of caring for another living creature. It also creates a bond between the child and the animal. Children who grow up with pets tend to be more caring towards other individuals.

In addition to creating empathy, pets can also raise a child’s self esteem. A pet will always be there for a child, even when it seems as if nothing is going right.

Children with ADHD can handle pet care jobs and learn to plan and be responsible.

People with autism can communicate with and find special connections with pets.

Pets are also healthy for our heart. As reported on WebMD, studies found that pet owners had lower blood pressure and had a lower risk of dying from any cardiac disease.

Pets reduce stress and anxiety and can help people dealing with depression.

According to Dr. Marty Becker of PetConnection.com, dogs make us better people. An Australian study reported that people with dogs were more likely to meet new people, gain trust, and help out neighbors than did people without pets.

And walking a dog can be a great help for seniors as it gets them outside. This lets them take in Vitamin D and do weight-bearing exercise, both valuable in strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis.

how to pick a pet rabbit dogNow how does you family answer ‘Why get a pet?’

Have your family get together over dinner and discuss why you want a pet. By knowing why you want a pet, then you’ll be better able to move to the next step of picking a perfect pet – What traits or characteristics are you looking for in a pet?